星期五, 24 1 月, 2025


Dear Prime Minister,
I am writing to respectfully request that you immediately convene a full public inquiry into the profoundly disturbing activities of CSIS, its leadership, and its employees. Such activities have led to an unsustainable erosion of the public’s confidence in CSIS’ adherence to the rule of law, to the protection of the constitutional rights that uphold our cherished democracy, and to their mandate to safeguard our national security and the citizens they serve.

The justification for an urgent full public inquiry into CSIS includes, but is not limited to:

1) Persistent, unlawful, and selective sharing of purported intelligence information by CSIS employees, including its motivations, that both violates the CSIS Code of Conduct and is an indictable breach of trust by a public officer offence under section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada.

2) The complicitous, self-serving, and unsettling relationship between CSIS and selected journalists that renders them compliant pipelines for agency-sanctioned defamatory disinformation and that undermines the ability of a free press to act in the public interest as a naturally skeptical counterbalance to CSIS’ extraordinary powers.

3) The extent to which the pursuit by CSIS of an organizational policy to spread false and unsubstantiated allegations, without adequate checks on gross abuses of their intrusive powers and privacy invasion, has diminished the faith of Canadians and interfered with minority representation in our government.

4) Serious internal and external accusations that CSIS is rife with unacceptable and longstanding systemic racism and biases that extend into the wider Canadian society as reprehensible acts of civil rights’ abuses and xenophobic racial profiling that threaten our national security.

5) CSIS’ role as the primary source of intelligence that centres the organization as the natural focal point and foundation for a concurrent and in-depth wider public inquiry into foreign government interference in Canada’s elections.

In response to recent lawsuits by CSIS employees who claim CSIS functions as “an old boy’s club” and “CSIS management had created and perpetuated a culture of systemic racism”, current CSIS Director David Vigneault publicly acknowledged “that, yes, systemic racism does exist here.”

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group are among organizations that have asked the federal government for “urgent, proactive and genuine” action to investigate CSIS leaks and “make a full and fair disclosure of all information.”

I can personally attest that, for 13 years, CSIS has targeted me with anonymous, irresponsible, false, and unsubstantiated allegations in cooperation with favoured journalists who have not hesitated to shamelessly propagate and convert innocuous, commonplace activities into baseless and slanderous rumours that I am somehow a threat to Canada. This pattern of poisonous insinuations and innuendo has become so outrageous that you, as Prime Minister, have recently been compelled to, on more than one occasion, expose the lies on which they are based and clarify the facts.

In my case, this ongoing persecution originated in 2010 with CSIS Director Richard Fadden who was widely condemned for his irresponsible comments. A subsequent Parliamentary Committee investigation, the first of two that were revelatory of CSIS’ catastrophic failings under Mr. Fadden’s leadership, harshly censured him and recommended the government require him to resign.
对我的持续性的迫害,始作俑者是2010 年时任加拿大安全情报局局长的理查德·法登,他因其不负责任的言论受到广泛谴责。在之后的一个国会委员会调查对他进行了严厉谴责,并建议政府要求他辞职。这个调查是两个调查中的第一个;两个调查相继批露了加拿大安全情报局在法登领导下的毁灭性失败。

The consequences of repeated and unwarranted CSIS attacks have been irreparable damage to my reputation and the safety of myself and my family, the severity of which compelled me to seek help from police a number of years ago and share information about specific malevolent organizations they should investigate if I suddenly disappeared or died. Equally concerning, I am not alone in experiencing CSIS’ disregard for the human toll of their libelous smears on other visible minority Canadians and ethnic community leaders.

Canadians deserve clear answers and reject the notion that CSIS’ secretive veil shields them from the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability. I earnestly urge you to reverse your decision and call a public inquiry into foreign government interference in Canada’s elections focusing on CSIS, the catalyst for what has now rapidly devolved into a partisan circus. This will serve to protect the stability of Canada’s vibrantly diverse society and halt any further weakening of our democracy. It is also hoped that its findings would repurpose CSIS’ substantial resources on thwarting real threats to our national security.


Michael Chan






加拿大中国戏曲艺术协会2025第十届“欢乐春节”海外新年戏曲春晚“金蛇戏舞梨园情”1月19日在列治文山大剧院隆重拉开大幕。全场120余位演员、其中戏曲演员涵盖了净行、老旦、青衣、花旦、武旦、刀马旦、小生、老生等几乎所有京剧行当和呈现了诸多表演流派、总共八大演出板块来倾心奉献。著名裘派花脸演员、加拿大中国戏曲艺术协会名誉会长杨燕毅先生、国家一级演员、北京戏曲艺术职业学院教授刘亚新女士、以及加拿大爱城京剧研习社社长、梅葆玖先生海外嫡传弟子严庆蘋女士也联袂助演。中华人民共和国驻多伦多总领事馆总领事罗伟东、安大略省议员柯文斌、万锦市长薛家平Frank Scarpitti、约克区区议员何胡景、列治文山市第四选区议员崔冰辉、加拿大华人文化艺术团体联谊会主席张俭等政要都欣然前往观摩。其阵容之强盛,内容之精彩、场面之壮观,气氛之热烈,把2025多伦多春节庆典系列活动推向新的高潮。




加拿大中国戏曲艺术协会2025第十届“欢乐春节”海外新年戏曲春晚“金蛇戏舞梨园情”1月19日在列治文山大剧院隆重拉开大幕。全场120余位演员、其中戏曲演员涵盖了净行、老旦、青衣、花旦、武旦、刀马旦、小生、老生等几乎所有京剧行当和呈现了诸多表演流派、总共八大演出板块来倾心奉献。著名裘派花脸演员、加拿大中国戏曲艺术协会名誉会长杨燕毅先生、国家一级演员、北京戏曲艺术职业学院教授刘亚新女士、以及加拿大爱城京剧研习社社长、梅葆玖先生海外嫡传弟子严庆蘋女士也联袂助演。中华人民共和国驻多伦多总领事馆总领事罗伟东、安大略省议员柯文斌、万锦市长薛家平Frank Scarpitti、约克区区议员何胡景、列治文山市第四选区议员崔冰辉、加拿大华人文化艺术团体联谊会主席张俭等政要都欣然前往观摩。其阵容之强盛,内容之精彩、场面之壮观,气氛之热烈,把2025多伦多春节庆典系列活动推向新的高潮。

加拿大第三届中国老酒展暨舍得酒加拿大畅销10周年庆典 2025年春季舍得酒业慈善拍卖会



2025年1月21日——加拿大首届春节烟花庆典组委会于本周二举行了媒体及博主见面会,宣布活动的最新动态和精彩亮点。本次庆典将于2025年1月25日(星期六)在多伦多地标性建筑市政厅广场(Nathan Phillips Square)盛大举办,为这座城市的春节增添浓厚的节日氛围。


2025年1月20日,“信义玻璃.第三届多伦多青少年冰上春晚”新闻发布会在加拿大多伦多新动力演播厅成功举行,本次发布会宣布了这一全球冰雪文化盛事的全新亮相。第三届多伦多青少年冰上春晚将于2025年2月17日在加拿大列治文山市的 Elgin Barrow Arena场馆举办。该场馆设有NHL标准冰场,可容纳1500名观众,成为加拿大华人社区文艺活动的最大舞台。


安大略省省长道格·福特(Doug Ford)近日表示,为了应对美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的四年任期所带来的挑战,他的政府需要获得选民的“明确授权”,暗示可能触发省内提早选举。