视传媒4月27日多伦多市长候选人乔治·马莫利蒂(Giorgio Mammoliti) ,积极聆听市民声音,致力改善市民的房屋、交通、罪案及社区安全等问题,呼吁选民投他一票,让他更积极为市民服务。


多伦多市长候选人马莫利蒂Giorgio Mammoliti于4月27日举行记者会公布参与多伦多市长选举,这位在多伦多出生长大,育有4 名子女和6 个孙子的马莫利蒂,他想成为下一任市长,因为他从政30 年及有市府和社区经验,而他的理念是将家庭放在首位。
从1990 年开始,马莫利蒂是安大略省约克维尔Yorkview选区的省议员,在此期间,马莫利蒂是一名议会助理、副检察长,曾在惩教部、卫生部、省级和药物部负责主管的工作。
从1995 年到2018 年,他是多伦多市第7 选区的议员,作为市议员,马莫利蒂坐拥许多

• 确保我们的税款得到适当使用,造福本市家庭
• 为无家可归者提供过渡性住房,让他们有栖息之所
• 移除「安全注射屋」并实施12 项计划以帮助有毒瘾的人
• 任命一名TTC 代表加入议会
• 安排接受过心理健康培训的警务人员专门负责TTC 的巡视工作

Mayoral Candidate Giorgio Mammoliti
TORONTO, ONTARIO – April 26th, 2023 – The Giorgio Mammoliti campaign is excited to unveil its revolutionary welfare reform plans and his complete campaign platform at a special fundraiser event.
Giorgio Mammoliti has over 30 years of political and community experience. Mammoliti was born and raised in Toronto, worked at the Ontario Housing Corporation, was President of Cupe Local 767, and the CEO of his own consulting company. His political career began in 1990 where he was the MPP for the riding of Yorkview in Ontario. In this time Mammoliti was a parliamentary assistant to the solicitor general, was with the Ministry of Correctional Services, Ministry of Health, Ministry responsible for provincial and drug strategy and played a huge role in identifying how addiction should be classified and treated.
From 1995 until 2018, he was the Councillor in Ward 7 for the City of Toronto. In his role as Councillor Mammoliti sat on many boards relating to parks and environment, development services, international alliances, race relations, child care task force, housing, senior homes, and the Toronto zoo .
As Mayor, Mammoliti promises to do the following and more:
• Ensure our tax dollars are spent appropriately and benefit the families of the City
• Implement transitional housing for the homeless to get them off of our streets
• Remove “safe” injection sites and implement 12 step programs to help curve addiction
• Appoint a TTC representative to sit on the Board
• Implement a dedicated police force for the TTC trained with mental health support
With driven experience and an unwavering commitment, Mammoliti is determined to protect our children and ensure their safety as part of his mayoral campaign. His credible vision passionately champions the cause of our younger generation, creating a secure environment for them to grow and thrive alongside his plans to uplift families, empower the voice of the people, and advocate for seniors.
Trust in Mammoliti’s proven dedication to build a brighter future for all Toronto residents, with innovative solutions for affordable housing, resolute street and transit security, and a steadfast commitment to traditional family values.